I love how film takes me around this beautiful city of San Francisco. No matter where I go or who I'm with I like to have my Leica M7 by my side. One thing I love about film is every occasion makes for a great film snap.
One of my favorite shots from this roll is of a friend I met through Instagram. Ana Maria and I originally got to know each other from a postcard project I did through Insatgram and I'm pretty sure she's the only person I know who is from Aruba! I was super excited when she told me she'd be in San Francisco for a couple days. We met at Sutro Bath for sunset and went to dinner. I love how an app can bring people together, even from such tiny countries like Aruba!
Hope you guys enjoy this roll! Let me know what your favorite is down in the comments. It's always nice to see what film shots you guys like the best.